Triple The Population Density For Camperdown With No New Infrastructure

The Baird Liberal Government has released its final UrbanGrowth plan for The Parramatta Rd corridor, including Camperdown. The density of the precinct will triple, but there is no new infrastructure to support these new residents.

While UrbanGrowth has scaled back their plans considerably due to strong opposition from the local community, the planned density increase is still extreme.  There are currently 720 people living in UrbanGrowth NSW’s Camperdown Precinct, and this plan will increase that to 2120.

UrbanGrowth’s Implementation Plan does not include any significant infrastructure to cater for that dramatic population increase.  The short and medium term plans include:

The plan includes:

  • No additional land for schools to expand
  • No additional land for parks, playing fields or open space
  • A  transport strategy that suggests servicing Camperdown with additional light rail stops at Lewisham and Taverners Hill: this is a 38 minute walk
  • No new libraries or community centres
  • No funding for new childcare places and no land set aside for new childcare centres

The infrastructure plan suggests small ‘embellishments’ to existing facilities which are to be primarily funded by developer contributions.


The plan for childcare does not even come close to addressing current childcare shortages, let alone cater to an additional 3,300 new residents. Only 49 additional places will be offered through existing providers, as well as limited additional places for before and after school care.

You can read the full detail of the infrastructure planned for Camperdown on Page 44 of Urban Growth’s Infrastructure Schedule.


With Sydney facing a housing affordability crisis, delivering affordable housing should be a key objective when increasing housing density in the inner city. This plan has a very low target of just 5% affordable housing.  The NSW Federation of Housing Associations has called for a 30% target, which would come a lot closer to meeting the desperate need for affordable housing across Sydney. The affordable housing targets can be found on page 45 of Urban Growth’s Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy.


The transport strategy for the Camperdown precinct includes directing residents to additional light rail stops at Lewisham and Taverners Hill. This is a 38 minute walk from Camperdown.

The only local increase in public transport is a plan for a rapid bus service along Parramatta Road.  This is inadequate and regressive - a point being made by local councils along the corridor. Light rail must be part of this plan and the Minister must ensure it is factored in to any plans for renewal.


The whole revitalisation plan is based on reducing traffic on Parramatta Road and making it a more liveable place. However, according to the WestConnex’s own traffic predictions, the imposition of tolls on the M4 will result in over 20% more traffic on Parramatta Rd, as drivers look for alternative routes.  Now that the M4/M5 tunnel won’t have entry and exit portals at Camperdown and Glebe, much of that traffic will be pushed down Parramatta Rd – yet UrbanGrowth has ignored the huge impact that WestConnex will have on the local area.

If you are interested to read the Fine Grain Study that details street character, building height and setbacks for Camperdown, you can find it on page 95.

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