More Stability for NSW Renters

Are you a renter in NSW?

Then you know that our rental laws need to change.

More people are renting than ever before - and for longer. The number of families in rental accommodation is growing and for many people renting is the only option, as home ownership is completely out of reach.

Our laws need to be updated to reflect the new normal in renting. In many other global cities, rental laws give tenants long term security and help keep rents affordable.

One of the biggest issues for renters in NSW is a lack of stability. A landlord can tell a tenant to move out of a property at the end of a lease without giving any reason – even if the tenant has met their responsibilities and paid their rent on time. 

That means that many renters have no idea of where they will be living from year to year. For families this could mean having to put kids into a new school every time they are forced to move to a new area.

This needs to change.

As Choice have noted, Australia is one of the few OECD countries that allows 'no grounds evictions'.

We need to update our laws to put an end to ‘no grounds evictions’. Landlords would still have the right to ask tenants to vacate a property for major renovations, for any breaches of their lease, or if the landlords wants the house for themselves or their family. But otherwise, tenants would be allowed to stay in their homes.

Read more on our Renters Rights campaign here.

Have you been forced out of your rental property for no reason? Tell us your story.

We will use some of these stories for our upcoming speeches, fliers etc. Let us know if you'd prefer us not to use yours.

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