Sydney Park trees saved by WestConnex protest camp - for now

The #SaveSydneyPark community camp has successfully put a halt to unauthorised tree felling by WestConnex in Sydney Park, as work on the Euston Road works site was stopped today.

NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP has congratulated the efforts of the thousands of people who were a part of this nonviolent direct action to protect the award-winning and much-loved park.

"Were it not for the clear display of strength Baird’s private contractors would have gotten away with destroying many large trees and bulldozing an area of land that is owned by the City of Sydney council and over which they had no approval," she said.

"By literally putting themselves on the line, local residents who given up their spare time and their comfortable beds to keep the camp running 24/7 for four weeks have stopped the destruction... for now. This is the power of concerted, collective campaigning.

"WestConnex has indicated that they don’t intend to remove any more trees in this area this year and this is a huge win. But we know they can't be trusted to keep to their word so we will continue to monitor their actions closely.

"It is clear from this recent situation at Sydney Park that the privatised and unaccountable Sydney Motorway Corporation not only disregards community concerns but is willing to blatantly disregard NSW Government planning provisions.

"The Baird Government has created this monster - and it's now up to them to reign it in. Ultimately they are responsible for the destruction that will occur as a result of the St Peters interchange. But if the Government continues to fail in their responsibilities, we now know this community has the power to physically prevent WestConnex from destroying Sydney Park.

"The Greens will continue to support nonviolent direct action taken by the community. We applaud those who have been a part of this occupation, and thank them for putting their bodies on the line to stop Baird's bulldozers and chainsaws from taking all our trees.

"As the focus shifts to the destruction of homes in St Peters in the coming weeks we will still be standing with them."

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