The Alexandria Hotel Survives

In another win for the community campaign to save The Alexandria Hotel, the owner developer has discontinued his appeal in the Land and Environment Court against the City of Sydney’s interim heritage order which stopped the impending demolition of the hotel to build 28 apartments and ground-floor commercial premises.

The council placed an interim heritage order on the building in July last year and undertook a heritage assessment which found that the hotel warranted listing because of its importance to local history, its association with prominent hotel architects, its integrity and outstanding representative values.

Council’s assessment also noted that the hotel had social significance because of the community esteem in which it was held by Alexandria’s residents and that the overall building, including the external brickwork, ceramic wall tiles and original fabric in the bar and dining areas, should be retained and conserved.

There were more than 400 objections and a 1,400-signature petition opposed to the demolition proposal.

The proposed local heritage listing will be decided at the Council meeting on Monday 29 February when we hope that the listing will be approved and the Alexandria Hotel building will survive.  

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