Information and Support for Businesses

This directory has been established to assist local business owners in accessing all available supports, grants and advice during this time.  


Grants, Financial Support and Other Initiatives


Federal Treasury Support

The Federal Treasury has announced a number of schemes and initiatives to assist businesses during this time. Visit the website for information and advice on accessing things like JobKeeper payments, cash flow support, temporary relief for financially distressed businesses, instant asset write-off's, investment incentives, support for apprentices and trainees, support for sole traders and more.


Ph: 1800 020 008 (Monday-Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm AEST)


Federal Government Business Hub

Visit the website and sign up to the e-list for all the latest information and advice from the Federal Government regarding businesses during the pandemic. This includes information on changes to the Fair Work Act, updates on rules around accessing JobKeeper payments, information regarding the mandatory code of conduct for commercial tenancies and more.


Ph: 13 28 46


Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Support for businesses and employers

Visit the website for specific advice on accessing JobKeeper payments, boosting cash flow for employers, increasing the instant asset write-off and more. 



Business Info Hotline: 13 28 66

Emergency Support Hotline: 1800 806 218


NSW Government COVID-19 Business Hub

Visit the website for all the latest information and advice from the NSW Government regarding businesses during the pandemic. This includes information on all state government initiatives including grants for small businesses, fee waivers and tax assistance, commercial lease support and more. 


Ph: 13 77 88


NSW Government COVID-19 Business and Employment Hub 

Visit the website for more information and advice from the NSW Government regarding businesses and employment during the pandemic.


Free Webinars for Small Businesses

The NSW Government (via Service NSW) is running a series of free webinars for small business owners. The webinars provide information about NSW Government small business grants, cash flow, tax concessions, workplace safety, commercial leases and procurement opportunities. Visit the website for more information and to register. 



Inner West Council COVID-19 Support for businesses

Visit the website and information about accessing Inner West Council support measures including rates relief, free promotion for local food businesses, rent relief for Council tenants, fee waivers and more.


Ph: 02 9392 5000


City of Sydney Council COVID-19 Support for businesses

Visit the website and information about accessing City of Sydney support measures including relief grants, business concierge service, fee waivers, rent reviews and more. 


Ph: 02 9265 9333


Other Useful Information


NSW Government FAQs for the Liquor and Gaming industries


NSW Government Changes to business trading


NSW Fair Trading Latest Updates 


NSW Small Business Commission Latest Updates


Sign up for updates