Greens Member for Newtown, Jenny Leong MP has declared a Climate Emergency in NSW and called on the government to act now.
Mr Speaker I raise to give notice that on the next available sitting day I will move that this House:
Notes the special report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that to avoid a 1.5 Celsius rise in global warming, global emissions would need to fall by 45 per cent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero by around 2050.
Acknowledges that climate change has already substantially affected New South Wales with the rise of extreme weather events including bushfires and droughts.
Declares a state of climate emergency and calls on the Government to prepare a comprehensive plan of action to urgently transition New South Wales to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 including through decarbonising the economy, phasing out coal and gas and switching to 100 percent renewable energy.