Today we acknowledged the work of the Women's and Girls' Emergency Centre in Redfern.
Ms JENNY LEONG ( Newtown ) ( 16:32 :12 ): I draw the attention of the House to the important work of the Women's and Girls' Emergency Centre [WAGEC], which is based in Redfern. WAGEC started nearly 40 years ago as a small inner city drop-in centre, assisting women and girls in crisis. It has grown to deliver a range of activities from early intervention to offering crisis accommodation and support services to women, children, young people and families who are experiencing or who are at risk of homelessness and/or domestic and family violence across the city and inner west. I was very pleased that WAGEC was the recipient of a Community Building Partnership grant this year, which will fund upgrades to its facilities. The project will revamp an outdoor space to assist with client support and services. I commend the work of its chief executive officer, Helen Silvia, and the entire WAGEC team for their commitment and work to empower clients and provide them with support in times of need.