We've been door knocking all over the electorate for months, before the holidays we want to talk to as many people as possible about the Greens for Newtown campaign.
On the day teams will be door knocking with Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, NSW MLCs John Kaye, Jeremy Buckingham and Jan Barham and Local Councillors Sylvie Ellsmore, Irene Doutney and Melissa Brooks!
There will be teams across the electorate so that you can join people from your neighbourhood. RSVP and a local organiser will be in contact to let you know where to meet and any other info that you might need.
Door knocking is the best opportunity to talk to people about the campaign and persuade them to vote Green. Volunteers work in pairs to talk to people about the Greens' vision for Newtown and the issues that residents care about. For people new to door knocking, you'll always be partnered with experienced people until you're ready to go.
Before we head out, there will be door knocking training at each of our meeting points.
Join us afterwards at a central location to celebrate the day and share stories.