Renters rejoice! It is now possible for you to have access to solar power despite not having access to a sunny roof!
Whether you rent, live in a unit or have a shaded roof you can now share in the benefits of solar too, by applying to be a member of Australia's first large scale solar garden.
The name ''Haystacks Solar Garden' comes from their similarity to a community garden, except instead of growing veggie plots they are growing solar plots.
This exciting community owned 1MW solar project is based in the Riverina region of NSW and is available to anyone in NSW with a home electricity bill in their name. There are limited solar plots available and only until October 30th 2020, so apply now!
If you wish to find our more you can visit the The Haystacks Solar Garden website. You can also register for one of their weekly webinars to find out more on this groundbreaking project here or sign up to the newsletter here to follow their progress.