There’s an opportunity to reform NSW rental laws in 2016, with the Review of the NSW Residential Tenancies Act.
Although rental properties are people’s homes, too often they are used as a way for dodgy landlords to maximise profits, at the expense of tenants’ security and safety.
NSW Greens spokesperson for Tenancy and Rental Housing Jenny Leong has asked renters to share their ‘Rental Horror Stories’ on Facebook, as part of the Greens’ campaign for renters’ rights. Renters can also share their rental experiences via an online renters’ survey. The stories that are submitted will be used to identify the biggest problems with the current rental system.
In just a couple of weeks hundreds of stories have flooded in, which paint a bleak picture of the current rental landscape.
Tenants have been forced to put up with broken floorboards, rats, mould, fleas, leaking rooves, and huge rent increases, just to secure a property in the highly competitive Sydney rental market. Many renters have reported that they haven’t been allowed to renew their lease when they have complained about outstanding maintenance issues.
A number of media outlets have reported on the Rental Horror Stories, including The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph and The Daily Mail.
Ms Leong has also appeared on 2GB and ABC News Breakfast (watch the video below) to share some of the horror stories and talk about the Greens’ campaign for renters’ rights.