RMS has announced plans to radically alter key local roads between Alexandria to Moore Park and they have put these plans forward without indicating that they are obviously the result of the impact that WestConnex will have on traffic in this area.
Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown and NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex has condemned this announcement .
"It’s obvious that this work is directly related to WestConnex and the St Peters interchange - attempting to provide a stop gap solution to the widely discredited plan that would put 70,000 more cars into the area.
"The pathetic attempt by RMS to try to pretend these works are stand alone so the true impact of WestConnex is hidden, will not fool anyone.
"This announcement of rushed community consultation by RMS on major roads work between Alexandria and the Moore Park Road corridor yet again demonstrates contempt for public input.
"The fact that RMS has announced these major works and the carving out of a highway between Sydney Park and Moore Park before we’ve seen any plans for the Sydney Gateway or the M4/M5 tunnel is outrageous.
"The Premier must call a halt to all work on the St Peters interchange until an integrated, well researched and sustainable plan is developed - not this rogue road building frenzy the current Minister is allowing on his watch.