The NSW Greens oppose blanket lockout laws across Sydney’s CBD, Oxford St and Kings Cross, calling instead for the implementation of targeted measures that address problems of alcohol-fuelled violence.
This week the NSW Deputy Premier Troy Grant has indicated that the government may be shifting their hardline position, which has been in strong support of the lockouts, due to evidence that the 1:30am lockouts are not having an impact on violence and crime.
Mr Grant told the Daily Telegraph that he would support recommendations made by former High Court Judge Ian Callinan, who has been conducting a review of NSW liquor laws.
“If Callinan recommends pushing the lockouts back, I think it’s something we absolutely should do. If you’re trying to control the quantity of alcohol people consume ... last drinks is most effective,” Mr Grant told the Daily Telegraph.
The NSW Greens submission to the liquor law review advocated for an end to blanket lockout laws in favour of innovative, integrated policies that reduce alcohol related violence without shutting down venues across the city.
The findings of the Callinan review are due in August.