Follow up Review of the Management of NSW Public Housing Maintenance Contracts

The NSW Government Public Accounts Committee is conducting a Follow Up Review of the Management of NSW Public Housing Maintenance Contracts and is seeking submissions from individuals and organisations.

The deadline for submissions is 21 December 2020.

If you would like to make a submission you can do it online via this link or by emailing [email protected]

The Greens support and advocate for a significant increase in and better quality public housing which is properly maintained and funded. 

Submissions regarding this Review of the maintenance of public housing can address all or any of the Terms of Reference of the Review as listed below.

When making a submission, you may like to include information about:
  • Your experience with reporting maintenance issues
  • Timeframes to complete maintenance
  • The communication throughout the process
  • The quality of the work completed
  • Any any other comments you have about your interaction with Land and Housing Corporation or any contractors.
  • You may also wish to provide your suggestions as to how maintenance might be done differently or more effectively. 

You do not need to follow any specific template and can provide a short or detailed submission.


Terms of Reference

That the Committee inquires into and reports on the management of public housing
maintenance contracts in NSW, with particular reference to:

• Whether changes to public housing maintenance introduced in 2015/16 have
delivered measurable improvements and evidence based outcomes for public
housing tenants;

• The current administrative and contractual arrangements between Land and
Property NSW and private providers of maintenance services.

• The current repair status and physical condition of the public housing stock;

• The costs of maintenance of the current public housing stock, variations in
expenditure trends over the previous five years and projected expenditure for the
next five years;

• Methodologies and processes for ensuring consistent public housing maintenance
standards across NSW, including quality assurance, effectiveness, efficiency and
contract supervision;

• Any other related matter


If you would like to make a submission you can do it online via this link or by emailing [email protected]


You can also share your submission with Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown and Greens NSW spokesperson on Housing so that she can include reference to it in her submission - just email it to:  [email protected]

Sign up for more information on this issue here  


Most submissions received by the committee are made public and published on the committee's webpage however you can ask that your submission is not made public or that parts of it are not made public. 
More information about making a submission is available in the Making a submission to a parliamentary committee inquiry brochure (LA Committees) or in the Making a submission (LC Committees)
This Follow-up Review relates to the 2016 Inquiry into Public Housing Maintenance Contracts which released its Report in Oct 2016.

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