Say no to corporate votes!

The NSW Coalition Government has announced it will pass legislation to force businesses in the City of Sydney to vote in local government elections.

 Under this proposed model each corporation would be given two votes and required by law to vote at each council election. Similar legislation in Melbourne has seen residents votes reduced to 40% of the total, outnumbered by businesses. 

These laws are clearly an attack on Lord Mayor Clove Moore and progressive political parties such as the Greens who have traditionally received strong support from City of Sydney residents.

 The Greens are standing up for residents and saying 'Votes are for people, not wealth. Full voting rights for City of Sydney residents.'  

 The only way to clean up politics is to take back control from big business. Why should McDonald’s and Pizza Hut get control of inner Sydney suburbs?

 Sign our petition!



Dear Premier,

We call on you to reject the Shooters and Fishers Party legislation forcing businesses to vote for local government elections in the City of Sydney.

Democracy belongs to the people, not to big corporations.

Will you sign?

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