Have you noticed the growing movement of everyday folk stepping up to participate in civil disobedience over the last few years?
From traditional owners and farmers challenging coal seam gas operations, to nuns in the offices of MP's arrested standing up for refugees, to 300 arrests and counting at the biggest coal mine protest this country has ever seen - people from all walks of life are participating in civil disobedience like never before.
This will be a specialised training session, so please register below and we will be in touch with more details soon.
We will cover an introduction to the principles and strategic use of nonviolent direct action, inspiring case studies from across the world and practical skills for taking action in your area. You will get information on your legal rights, including covering common concerns, an overview of how to plan peaceful actions, emotionally and physically prepare and an understanding of the roles required to coordinate fun and creative actions effectively.
To beat the WestConnex project, communities are coming out of their comfort zones to take action.
Together, we can beat this disasterous toll-way.
CounterAct was launched to support communities in taking effective, creative, strategic action on issues of environmental and social justice.
Coordinator and trainer, Nicola Paris has nearly fifteen years experience in community campaigning and has had wide experience in participating in, and training for direct action across the country. She supported the successful campaign against the Kimberley gas hub, has trained and supported at climate camps on the east coast, supported major convergences at the Maules Creek coal mine in NSW, and has run workshops for the Wilderness Society, Quit Coal, Lock the Gate, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, 350.org, No Macca's in Tecoma, the East West tunnel picket and refugee rights campaigns.