New protections for renters announced
The NSW Government has just announced 60 day eviction moratorium for residential and retail tenants. Well done to every one who joined the call for this important protection. Eligible COVID-impacted residential tenants who cannot meet their rent payments will be protected from eviction during the moratorium period commencing from 14 July and finishing at the end of 11 September 2021.
Read moreSmall Bar Amendments Welcomed
Legislative Council amendments to the Liquor Amendment (24-hour Economy) Bill 2020, in particular, the amendments relating to small bars, will have a significant positive impact on the Electorate of Newtown and in protecting and rebuilding our vibrant night-time culture.
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Post Covid social and affordable housing recovery
Our post Covid economic recovery should include large scale investment in social and affordable housing. NSW can fast track building infrastructure that will provide a buffer to the most disadvantaged in the post Covid economic and social downturn by building and renovating homes that people can afford.
A state led affordable housing boost will support the construction industry by building urgently needed social and affordable housing, not fast-tracking private developer projects with no positive community outcomes.
Social and affordable housing should be funded as urgent infrastructure with government investment providing a safeguard against increasing social disadvantage.
We believe that the following initiatives will ensure that housing is affordable, sustainable and available to those who need it and are most impacted by the economic downturn facing us all.
- Large scale investment in building social and affordable housing including 30,000 social homes per year for 10 years
- 100% social and affordable housing on public land - reject Communities Plus housing formula and audit all available state land and properties
- No sell off of public land or public housing
- Councils to be funded to fast track Local Housing Strategies and Affordable Housing Policies to prioritise and maximise affordable housing
- Mandate 30% affordable housing on private housing developments
- End no grounds evictions and provide post Covid rent relief funding and continued moratorium on evictions with no arrears debt.
- Housing First approach to homelessness with no limit on temporary accommodation and increase in funding for specialist services and support.
- Zero emissions housing and retrofitting of existing housing
- Reform private student accommodation and build-to-rent planning instruments
NSW has a large social and affordable housing deficit with a 10 year waiting list for social housing.
The recent Equity Economics report commissioned by NCOSS, “A Wave of Disadvantage across NSW: Impact of the Covid-19 Recession” offers some extremely concerning statistics including a 24% increase in families experiencing housing stress and the same increase statewide in individuals experiencing homelessness with some regions in the state experiencing a 40% increase.
The Anglicare Rental Affordability Update from August this year indicated that ‘renters are on the frontline of the Coronavirus pandemic.’ The findings show that a person who is unemployed can only afford 1% percent of rentals – and that’s with the increased Job Seeker payments. With Job Seeker reduced, affordable rental availability will plummet with only 13 rental listings out of 77,000 being affordable.
Everybody’s Home is calling for 500,000 social and affordable homes nationally by 2026 and 5,000 social homes per year for 10 years in NSW.
Supporting the recovery of Sydney night-time economy and night-time culture
Sydney nightlife was already damaged by the lockout laws prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is clear that the sector needs significant assistance to recover post-pandemic. Jenny Leong MP spoke in support of the Liquor Amendment (24-hour Economy) Bill 2020 but emphasised that it does not go far enough and much more needs to be done to rebuild our vibrant, local hospitality and live music scene.
Read moreCuts to refugee supports mean hundreds could be left homeless
There are fears that hundreds of refugees living in community detention could be left homeless, after the Federal Government cut housing and income support. We have written to the NSW Premier, urging her to raise concerns with the Federal Government, as it will be NSW health, housing and community support agencies who will be left to deal with the social and economic impacts of this decision.
Read moreJenny Leong calls for stronger protections for renters
Jenny Leong MP, Greens Member for Newtown has welcomed the extension of pandemic protections for renters, but called on the Liberal/National government to address the significant inequality in our tenancy laws.
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Jenny Leong MP calls for a COVID Safe Plan for Peaceful Protest
Following the extreme over policing of a small peaceful protest of students and teachers at the University of Sydney, Greens Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP called on the Liberals to immediately implement of COVID Safe plan for peaceful protests.
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Jenny Leong MP asks the Health Minister to make Protests COVID Safe
Our right to peaceful protest in a central part of our democracy.
Greens Member for Newtown, Jenny Leong MP has asked the Minister for Health to develope a COVID Safe Plan specifically for peaceful protests, similar to those in place for businesses and major events.
Read moreCOVID-19 Racism Incident Report
Jenny Leong MP attended the launch of the 'COVID-19 Racism Incident Report' which captured racist incidents against Asians in Australia that arised due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. She gave a statement in Parliament to recognise the report and those who contributed.
Read moreLatest News - Public Housing During COVID19
These are very difficult times for many people, especially for those living in high-rise housing in our inner city. Our office is working hard to ensure that during this time, all public housing buildings across NSW are kept clean and safe for all residents, NSW Health leads any emergency response plans and procedures if there is a COVID-19 cluster in a public housing tower and most importantly, that the dignity and rights of public housing tenants are protected.
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