Op Ed: Migrant Workers Deserve State Support
Here’s my opinion piece from Monday's Sydney Morning Herald.
Let’s be done with arbitrary distinctions about who is entitled to certain wages or conditions, healthcare, housing or access to services based on the colour of someone’s passport or the status of their visa.
All people are born free and equal in dignity and rights - and no laws or government policies should ever undermine this.
Assistance needed for non-citizens during COVID-19
[UPDATE 19 May 2020]
The Sydney Alliance are calling on the NSW Government to provide urgent financial support for those people in NSW not covered by JobKeeper and JobSeeker. I responded to their letter on behalf of the NSW Greens as the Greens Spokesperson for Multiculturalism and you can find our response here.
[UPDATE 15 April 2020]
We are pleased to support the #unityoverfear campaign - please take a minute to do the same. The anti-chinese and anti-asian narratives and actions are causing many people, including myself, real harm at this time. Racism is NEVER okay.
[UPDATE 31 MARCH, 2020]
Today I wrote to the NSW Premier on behalf of a large cohort of people who live in the electorate of Newtown, our city and NSW, who are currently facing extremely difficult circumstances and have become very vulnerable as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can download the full letter here.
Our office has been contacted by a significant number of non-citizens who do not have any resources to support themselves and are not able to access the measures put in place for citizens or those offered yesterday by the federal government to category 444 visa holders.
As the NSW Greens Multicultural spokesperson, I feel very strongly that to ensure a cohesive society where everyone is treated equally and is able to live free from discrimination and racism, we need to ensure that wherever possible all people are able to access basic needs, services and supports without regard to their citizenship status. This is particularly important during times of crisis, and even more so during this current pandemic.
Read moreGreens call for No Evictions in NSW during Corona crisis
Jenny Leong MP, NSW Greens spokesperson on Housing and Homelessness is urging the Premier to put an immediate moratorium on evictions for people unable to pay rent during the Corona virus pandemic, as well as recommending a number of urgent measures to assist people who are homeless and those living in public and social housing.
Read moreJenny Leong MP on The Project
Jenny stepped out of the chamber on Thursday night to update The Project on the bill to decriminalise abortion.
Opera House Controversy: It's Our House
In response to the bullying and corporate exploitation of one of Australia’s most significant and iconic public places - the Sydney Opera House, Jenny Leong MP called out the culture of bullying in NSW, and joined with the community to draw a line in the sand to the Liberal and ALP’s capitulation to corporate bullying and the interests of the racing industry in this state.
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News: Newtown Mural
Jenny praised the community response to the destruction of iconic street art in Sydney.
Read morePre-budget discussion on Newtown Electorate concerns
Broadcast on ABC Sydney Drive, June 19, 2017 [starts at 2 hours, 28 minutes, 30 seconds into the program]
Jenny joined a panel on the Monday Political Forum on ABC Sydney Drive discussing key issues prior to the announcement of the 2017 State Budget.
Topics covered included train accessibility, housing affordability and homelessness, renter's rights, lock out laws and late night transport options, cycle paths and safety.
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Stanmore Bus Stop Closures Unacceptable
Jenny met recently with local residents in Stanmore, who are concerned about a proposal to remove bus stops on Douglas St that are serviced by the 412 bus.
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