NSW Greens Response to WestConnex M4-M5 Link Concept Design
NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP will respond to the release of the concept design for the WestConnex M4-M5 Link, including impacts on the local neighbourhoods of Newtown, St Peters, Annandale, Camperdown, Leichhardt, Lilyfield, Haberfield, Ashfield and Rozelle.
Ms Leong will call on the Premier to justify the massive expansion of this project and release updated cost benefit analysis and a new business case.
Read moreFederal Greens put Labor in spotlight on call to stop WestConnex
Acting Federal Greens leader Scott Ludlam, Greens NSW Senator Lee Rhiannon and Greens NSW transport spokesperson, Mehreen Faruqi MP, joined campaigners and community members at the SaveSydneyPark anti-WestConnex protest camp in Alexandria today.
Read moreGreens MP Calls Out Premier On Housing Supply
Today in Question Time, following the Premier and the Treasurer talking up the Government’s record on housing approvals, NSW Greens spokesperson on Housing Jenny Leong MP asked the Premier to explain at what point the increase in housing supply would result in stabilising or reducing housing prices in NSW.
Jenny Leong MP said:
“It just doesn’t add up. We are seeing record levels of housing supply in NSW yet house prices continue to spiral upwards.
Read moreGreens Commit to Improving Rental Security for Newcastle
NSW Greens Housing spokesperson, Jenny Leong MP says that ending ‘no grounds’ evictions in NSW is a simple reform that will provide much needed security for renters in Newcastle, Port Stephens, the Hunter and across the state.
The Greens are kicking off a campaign to end ‘no grounds’ evictions with the launch of the rentersrights.org.au website.
“Many renters live in fear of being thrown out of their home, even when they pay rent on time and look after the property. These laws are unfair and out of date,” Ms Leong said.
Read moreGreens MP Says WestConnex Offers Unacceptable Alternatives
NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex Jenny Leong MP has called on the Minister for WestConnex to stop pitting communities against each other with false solutions, in response to today’s announcement that the proposed mid-point tunnel site for the M4-M5 Link will be at Darley Road and not next to the Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt campus.
Read moreChallenges Ahead For New NSW Police Commissioner
The Greens wish new Police Commissioner Mick Fuller well in his new role leading the NSW Police Force.
The NSW Police Force is well overdue for fresh leadership, with poor succession planning by the Coalition as well as infighting and internal disputes amongst senior police overshadowing the broader work of frontline police for too long.
Read moreGreens MP Forces Action on WestConnex Stench
Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP has questioned the Minister for WestConnex on his inaction regarding the foul, toxic odour emanating from the WestConnex construction site in St Peters.
“What is the point of the Minister for WestConnex, if he is failing to take proper oversight of the serious concerns around the construction of this tollroad.
“It’s unacceptable that residents have complained bitterly for two weeks directly to the Minister and various bodies, but saw no real action until I raised it with the Minister today.
Read moreGreens MP calls for Rental security to be part of solution to housing crisis in NSW
NSW Greens spokesperson for Housing Jenny Leong MP says that the NSW Government must consider the needs of the growing number of tenants facing lifelong renting as they address the housing affordability crisis.
“The reason that affordable housing is so essential is that it provides people on moderate incomes with a safe and secure place to live. That security should also be extended to renters and there’s a simple and immediate way to do that – by ending ‘no grounds’ evictions,” says Ms Leong.
Read moreNewtown targeted response shows lockouts not the only answer says Greens MP
NSW Greens spokesperson on Night-time Culture and Economy and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP says that the locally-led response taken in Newtown shows that there are real alternatives to blanket lockout laws.
“While the latest BOCSAR statistics on assaults seem to confirm that the community's concern that imposition of the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross lockouts would push violence and anti-social behaviour to nearby suburbs, the specific stats for Newtown are showing that reported assaults have remained stable, even with a significant increase in visitor numbers. Targeted, community-led solutions can have an impact," said Ms Leong.
Read moreGreens say BOCSAR stats show lockouts are not the solution to problem violence
The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research have released an updated report on the effect of lockout and last drinks laws on non-domestic assaults in Sydney.
NSW Greens spokesperson on Night-time Culture and Economy and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP says that a considered response is needed.
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