Jenny Leong MP on responses to child sexual abuse
Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown spoke on behalf of the Greens in support of the bill, but flagged that there is much room for improvement.
Read moreMale Violence
Today Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown made sure the government was aware of the shocking rates of male violence against women in our society. Women in Australia are being assaulted and murdered by men everyday and it is not up to women to the fix that.
Read moreJenny Leong MP Supports the Strengthening of Anti-Discrimination Laws
Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown spoke in behalf of the Greens in support of a bill to strengthen anti-discrimination laws in NSW. The bill creates an offence of inciting violence against a person or group of people on the grounds of race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status or HIV or AIDS status.
Read moreJenny Leong MP asks the Police Minister about Sniffer Dogs
In response to an announcement from the NSW Police that they will confiscate festival tickets from anyone searched after a dog indicates, even if no drugs are found, Jenny asked the Police Minister under what law they could do this.
Read moreBanning Harassment and Intimidation of Women outside Reproductive Health Clinics
Jenny spoke in support of implementing safe access zones outside of reproductive health clinics in NSW.
Read moreMarriage Equality in NSW and an End to Forced Divorce for Trans People
Jenny was thrilled to support a bill bringing NSW into line with commonwealth marriage equality laws, and finally putting an end to forced divorce for Trans people.
Read moreWild Horse Management in Kosciuszko National Park
Jenny spoke in opposition to the bill introduced by the Nationals.
Read moreModern Slavery
Jenny spoke in support of a bill to prevent modern slavery in NSW.
Read moreWhipping up Racism is not OK
Unfortunately racism is alive and well in NSW. In response to comments by Labor Leader Luke Foley about 'white flight' in Western Sydney, Jenny expressed concerns in the Parliament about members whipping up fear to score political points.
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