Greens NSW submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission review of the Anti-Discrimination Act
The NSW Government is in the process of reviewing the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).
The NSW Greens have made a submission to the review, highlighting concerns from peak advocacy bodies and community groups including the lack of protections against discrimination to all community groups who need it, significant gaps in the areas of public life where vilification and discrimination are outlawed, and the breadth of exceptions allowed within the Act. In the submission we also outline the basis for our concerns and what we consider to be additional shortcomings of the Act: its outdatedness in the fact of a radically changed culture, its concerning religious vilification protections, and its restrictive approach to accessibility and intersectionality.
You can read the Greens NSW submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 2023 here.
Greens NSW Submission to Improving NSW rental laws consultation
The NSW Government is in the process of reviewing our rental laws.
The NSW Greens have made a submission to the rental reform consultation paper, pushing for an immediate two year freeze on rents, unlimited rent increases to be made illegal, a massive investment in public and affordable housing, as well as an end to unfair evictions, renters rights to pets and protections for renters' data and privacy.
The Greens believe that housing is a human right, and that the government has a responsibility to ensure everyone has a safe, secure and affordable place to call home. Renting should be about providing someone with a place to call home, not a way for wealthy investors to make more profit.
You can read the Greens Submission to Improving NSW rental laws consultation paper 2023 here.