Speech on WestConnex Peoples Inquiry and WestConnex Federal Funding
Member for Newtown and NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex Jenny Leong MP reported to Parliament on the WestConnex Peoples Inquiry, where evidence presented by experts, councils and affected residents highlighted the lack of transparency, good governance and community consultation surrounding the $16.8 billion WestConnex toll road.
Ms Leong also highlighted the federal funding propping up the polluting WestConnex disaster. The recent Federal budget sawthe supposedly public transport-loving Prime Minister's Government set aside another $300 million for WestConnex, which is in addition to the $1.15 billion already gifted to the project.
Read moreThe People's Westconnex Inquiry
Last Friday we hosted the People's Westconnex Inquiry in NSW Parliament. Today we drew the Government's attention to the testimonies of health professionals, council transport planners, academics, residents, community campaigners and members of Parliament who all agree that Westconnex is bad for Sydney.
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Peoples WestConnex Inquiry Hears Damming Evidence
NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP, today chaired the Peoples WestConnex Inquiry in the NSW Parliament. The Inquiry seated close to 100 participants and heard presentations from 20 expert speakers as well as multiple testimonies from affected members of the community who took the opportunity to put their views against WestConnex on the public record.
“The purpose of this Peoples Inquiry was to highlight the lack of transparency, good governance and community consultation surrounding the $16.8 billion WestConnex tollroad and today’s Inquiry exposed many of the extremely problematic impacts that this project will have”, said Ms Leong.
Read morePeoples WestConnex Inquiry to Expose Serious Flaws
NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP, will chair the Peoples WestConnex Inquiry in the NSW Parliament tomorrow.
What: Peoples WestConnex Inquiry
Where: NSW Parliament, Jubilee Room
When: Friday 6 May 10 – 2 pm
The purpose of the Peoples Inquiry is to highlight the lack of transparency, good governance and community consultation surrounding the $16.8 billion WestConnex tollroad.
A number of expert speakers, community representatives and members of parliament will make presentations to the Inquiry including:
- Ms. Jude Page, NSW Public Health Association
- Mr. Mark Ely, Newtown Business Precinct Association
- Ms. Daisy Barham, Nature Conservation Council
- Members of NSW Parliament: Dr Mehreen Faruqi MP, Jamie Parker MP and Jo Haylen MP
- Representatives from local councils and residents’ groups
Members of the public will also be provided with an opportunity to put their views on the record.
A full schedule, including all speakers, is available here.
Read moreParliamentary Speech on WestConnex Transparency
Member for Newtown and NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex Jenny Leong MP speaks on the Government Information (Public Access) Amendment (Sydney Motorway Corporation) Bill 2016.
This bill is designed to ensure that the information held by the Sydney Motorway Corporation - the entity created to administer the WestConnex project - is subject to freedom of information requests.
Read moreMake Sydney Motorway Corporation Accountable to the Public
Sydney Motorway Corporation (SMC) is wholly owned by the NSW Government and paid for by the people of NSW, yet is neither transparent nor accountable to the people of NSW. The Greens will continue to fight for transparency and accountability when it comes to this disastrous motorway project.
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Greens call for civil disobedience to stop WestConnex in light of latest planning approval
NSW Greens spokesperson for WestConnex Jenny Leong MP has condemned the approval of the New M5 Stage 2 plans for WestConnex. Labeling the process a sham, she will be conducting an urgent People’s WestConnex Inquiry and is encouraging the community to engage in civil disobedience to stop this private tollway disaster.
“The Baird government’s approval of this next stage of WestConnex is a slap in the face for the community who have tried to engage in good faith with the planning process but have been ignored at every turn,” she said.
Read moreMedia Release: Local residents arrested trying to protect Haberfield homes from WestConnex
Media Release April 16, 2016
Two Haberfield residents were arrested this morning for occupying a home in Haberfield which is one of hundreds to be bulldozed by WestConnex. The residents, Sharon Laura and Bill Holliday, had joined other locals in the home in an effort to stop the demolition of homes for the highly controversial tollroad.
“Given the way the Baird government is ramming through this highly flawed project despite the masses of evidence showing that it won’t work and that it will be a social, environment and economic disaster, the community has had to resort to this to protect their homes and environment, said Jenny Leong, Greens MP and spokesperson on WestConnex.
“Communities have a right to non violent resistance and to insist that the government spends our money on projects that are sustainable, clean and economically viable - WestConnex is none of these - it’s just a cashcow for developers and tollroad operators, said Greens candidate for Grayndler, Jim Casey who joined local residents and No WestConnex and WestConnex Action group campaigners in front the home that will be demolished.
Read moreMarrickville Council Refusal Another Blow to Construction of WestConnex
Following a motion moved by Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, Marrickville Council last night refused a request by WestConnex
sub-contractors to access local roads to install underground electricity mains for the proposed St Peters Interchange.
Greens NSW WestConnex spokesperson and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong said:
“Clr Ellsmore and Marrickville Council last night showed strong solidarity with all the members of the community opposing the WestConnex tollroad project.
“Residents and community groups made over 12,000 submissions concerning the New M5 Stage 2 WestConnex plans and most universally condemn this project. Many call for the St Peters component of the works to be completely reshaped.
“The only reason contractors would be applying to dig up streets and lay cables before any formal planning approval has been granted is if the Baird Liberal Government has no intention of genuinely considering the submissions from the community about this stage of the project,” she said.
Read moreDepartment of Planning hides landslide of opposition to WestConnex
The Greens Member for Newtown Jenny Leong MP has expressed serious concern that the 12,866 submissions against the WestConnex New M5 EIS have effectively been hidden on the Department of Planning’s website.
“This is just the latest example of the NSW government just going through the motions when it comes to WestConnex oversight and planning. Pretending there is a real consultation and genuine dialogue and engagement with the community and civil society on this $16.8 billion polluting private tollroad is unacceptable.
“The planning assessment process has been farcical – and raises serious concerns about the pressure being put on the Department of Planning to fulfill the Roads Minister’s arrogant and misguided road agenda.
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