Planning law changes under the Emergency Measures

The NSW Planning Minister has used powers under the COVID-19 Emergency Measures Act to extend the hours developers and construction companies are able to work - clearing the way for 7-days of work on construction sites for existing projects. 

These extended hours have come into force this week causing much concern to residents who will be severely impacted.

At a time when health advice is directing people to maintain social distancing, work from home and stay at home - it is understandable that many are worried about these extended construction hours.

There will no doubt be additional stress put on people living near construction sites who, under these changes, will have to tolerate unbroken days of construction impacts.

Many of our local communities are currently already impacted badly by WestConnex construction - and this will only exacerbate the problem.

Jamie Parker MP, NSW Greens spokesperson on Planning released this statement and continues to advocate for communities impacted by these changes. You can see him on a recent interview on Nine News here.

It is clear that the Government must:

  • Stop all night work
  • Provide effective noise and dust mitigation
  • Install noise and vibration monitors in impacted homes
  • Provide a strict noise timetable. 

If you are impacted by these extended construction hours, we urge you to take the following actions :

1) Write to the Minister for Planning and Open Spaces, Rob Stokes MP and share a copy of your correspondence with our office - [email protected] 

2) Contact the project or construction company involved and make a formal complaint. 

3) WestConnex - Contact the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's WestConnex Compliance Officer about work, workers, traffic or pedestrian changes on this number 1300 305695 or email - [email protected]. You can also call WestConnex and log a complaint on this number (24 hours a day, 7 days a week): 1800 660 248

4) Contact the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) about out-of-hours works, noise, dust, fumes, odour or any other form of pollution on this number 131555 or email  - [email protected]

5) Contact WorkSafe regarding impact on workers including noise, dust and concerns relating to social distancing by calling 131050 or emailing [email protected]


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