WestConnex compulsory land acquisitions fail community

NSW Greens spokesperson for WestConnex and Member for Newtown, Jenny Leong MP has condemned the Sydney Motorway Corporation’s latest land grab of an extra 6,000 square metres from Sydney Park and surrounding areas.  

"It’s been abundantly clear since the St Peter’s interchange was announced that WestConnex will have a devastating impact on Sydney Park, but this latest land grab will mean that approximately 3 ½ acres of public green space will be taken from this area.  

“Large sections of Sydney Park are being carved off to make way for the slow moving  polluting carpark that is slated to appear on Euston and Sydney Park Roads as a result of WestConnex.

“The damage from this project is also evident at Beverley Hills and Kingsgrove where plans appear to destroy all the previous rejuvenation done as a result of the original M5 as well as significant rare bushland and endangered species habitat. 

"The Greens have consistently opposed WestConnex and our call for a halt to all construction and home acquisitions was supported by over 10,000 people in a petition to the NSW Government in late 2015.

“The community does not support this social and environmental vandalism.”

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