Backed by NSW women MPs from across the political spectrum, Chanel Contos has launched a NSW epetition on International Women’s Day. The petition, sponsored by Jenny Leong MP, requires 20,000 signatures to trigger a debate in the Legislative Assembly on the need for holistic consent education in our schools, from earlier on.
Chanel Contos, who started Teach Us Consent and the epetition, said:
“Recent events have enlightened Australia that we live in the midst of a rape culture. Although there are many things we can do to combat this as a community, I see education as the biggest catalyst for change. Teaching holistic and thorough consent education, before students are sexually active, will reduce rates of sexual assault. It will also minimise the amount of students who have the horrible delayed realisation that they were victims, or perpetrators of sexual assault.”
“An injustice has been done to the past students of Australia, and therefore we must take the advice of academic specialists on how to best instigate this systematic change within our educational system.”
“It is vital this topic is discussed in parliament to trigger a curriculum change. Members of Parliament can’t ignore this any longer - this has become a human rights issue.”
Jenny Leong MP, Greens Women’s Rights spokesperson, and sponsor of the epetition, said:
“Current and former students have made it clear from their brave disclosures of sexual assault that there is an urgent need for change and it is crucial that these calls are heard and debated on the floor of the parliament.”
“I may be the sponsor of this petition, but it’s crucial that the issue of consent is something that is a priority for all law makers in NSW and across the country.”
“As women MPs we have a responsibility - and a determination - to work together and act to end to sexual violence.”
Marjorie O’Neill MP, Labor Member for Coogee said:
“Sadly, what we are talking about here is not just an issue at schools, it is a whole of society problem. However, the NSW Government is currently undertaking a once in a generation curriculum review. It is fundamental that age appropriate consent education is a part of this review so it is embedded into the education of all young people.”
Felicity Wilson MP, Liberal Member for North Shore said:
“This week we heard from Australian of the Year, Grace Tame, that "history, lived experience, the whole truth, unsanitised, and unedited, is our greatest learning resource. It is what informs social and structural change." Chanel Contos has opened the door for thousands of our youngest members of society to disclosure their history of horrific and widespread sexual assault. All MPs owe it to them to hear their voices, and deliver the social and structural changes we need.”
- The “Earlier and holistic consent education in the NSW curriculum” epetition is available here:
- The brave disclosures made by survivors can be accessed here in full (and we encourage everyone to read them):
For more information contact:
Jenny Leong MP - 0499 550 996
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