Read our statement in Parliament supporting the Make Rent Fair Campaign.
Ms JENNY LEONG ( Newtown ) ( 16:10 :46 ): I draw the attention of this Parliament to the fact that it is time to make rent fair and acknowledge a community campaign supported by more than 70 organisations across New South Wales calling for an end to no-grounds evictions. The Greens stand with them in this call. After being on the front line and helping tenants to fight unfair evictions, unreasonable rent increases and poorly maintained homes, the Tenants Union is coordinating this Make Rent Fair campaign. They want to make it clear that it is not fair that a landlord can evict a family from their home for no reason whatsoever. The Make Rent Fair campaign is gathering stories from people across New South Wales to illustrate the stress caused by being evicted for no reason.
Congratulations to all the organisations involved in this huge grassroots campaign. If I had more than a minute I would list every one of the 70 or more groups, but I do not back myself to speak so quickly. I acknowledge those in the electorate of Newtown: Community Legal Centres NSW, the Australian Services Union NSW, the National Tertiary Education Union, People With Disability, Counterpoint Community Services, the Older Women's Network and many others.