Sign the petition now

Add your name and call on the NSW Parliament to take urgent action to fix the rental crisis, including:

  • Freeze and cap rents
  • End unfair evictions
  • Allow pets in rentals
  • Ban rent bidding and intrusive rental applications
  • Massively invest in public, social, and affordable housing
1,062 signatures

Freeze rent increases now

The cost of rent is out of control, evictions are on the rise, and too many renters are just one rent hike away from homelessness. 

This is a crisis, and it requires an urgent, emergency response.

A freeze on rents isn’t only possible, it’s urgently necessary. We need to make renting secure and affordable.

But every day the government refuses to act is another day that renters face eviction because of an unfair rent hike they can’t afford. 

Will you sign now to call on the government to freeze rents now?

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