The Greens have a long and proud history of working side by side with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) communities.
We believe that it’s wrong for any person to be stigmatised or discriminated against because of their sexual orientation, sex or gender identity. Diversity and the vibrancy it fosters should be recognised for the importance of its contribution to Australian society, culture and the economy.
The Greens will continue to work for true equality, for transgender and intersex rights, for an end to discrimination by religious organisations and for better support services for all LGBTIQ Australians.
The Greens are working to:
- celebrate the unique and valuable contribution of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people, and acknowledge the diversity of their communities;
- protect people from discrimination and vilification, by eliminating all discriminatory laws and exemptions in the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act
- combat the serious problem of bullying in schools by improving anti-homophobia, anti-biphobia, anti-transphobia and anti-intersexphobia policies;
- support Safe Schools as well as better resources, training and peer support services that promote inclusiveness in curriculum at all levels of the education system;
- defend the rights of transgender and intersex people so that they don’t face discrimination, harassment or disadvantage;
- see a strong commitment from government to addressing the over-representation of mental illness and suicide amongst LGBTI people; and
- ensure funding for research and programs that address family and domestic violence in LGBTIQ communities and increase funding for rural and regional support services.
The Greens are proud to stand with the LGBTIQ community. If you'd like to get involved in our campaigns sign up here.