The NSW Planning Minister’s intervention in the plans to redevelop the first section of the Waterloo public housing estate at South Waterloo, may mean less towers and better amenity, but this outcome is still an unacceptable destruction of our public housing and sell off of our public land for profit, according to Greens spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness and Member for Newtown, Jenny Leong MP.
“This site is currently 100% publicly owned homes and yet this plan will see all the current occupants displaced while the redevelopment occurs - and by the time it’s done only 27% of the site will be social housing - that’s more than 60% turned over to the private housing market in a shameful government sell off to property developers.
“If the Government is intent on proceeding with the destruction of people’s homes in Waterloo and significantly increasing the density in the area - then they should at the very least be using it as an opportunity to significantly increase the public and social housing in our city to address the crisis in homelessness and affordable housing in this state.
“It beggars belief that on a site this large, with a waiting list of over 50,000 approved applications for public housing that we’re seeing a net gain of less than 100 social homes and only a small percentage slated as affordable housing.
“Given the significance of Waterloo and Redfern to first nations people, it is crucial that any planned redevelopment on this site delivers at least at least 10% Aboriginal affordable homes.
“We have to draw the line here and stop this rapacious government selling off land that must stay in the public’s hands.
“The Greens will join with the community and fight for an outcome that serves the community and addresses the urgent housing needs faced by so many people right now.