Jenny Leong MP, Member for Newtown recognised the wonderful traineeship program run by The Social Outfit.
" I draw the attention of the House to The Social Outfit traineeship program, which employs young people from refugee and migrant communities to learn retail skills and confidence in a supported environment. The Social Outfit is an ethical fashion brand and community organisation that supports migrant communities through employment and training in their retail store, traineeship programs, sewing technician programs and design. The paid traineeships run for six months and are designed to transition young people who often have no work experience in Australia to external paid employment. On Wednesday evening I spoke on King Street at the graduation of the latest group of trainees, including Nasima, Shrishti, Haya, and Keziah. I congratulate these wonderful and powerful women. I wish them all the best for their futures. Credit for their incredible work in managing and supporting this life‑changing program goes to retail trainer Natalie Shehata, community coordinator Parwin Paqawi, CEO Camilla Schippa and Kate Clugston for their amazing work."
Hansard link here.