Unfair catchment for the Inner City High School

Today we wrote to the Premier and Education Minister requesting an update on the review of the proposed catchment for the Inner City High School.  Many parents have been in contact with our office concerned that their Year 6 children will soon be commencing transition to high school programs, and they don’t know what their local high school will be.

Click on the image to read the full letter.

The key issues that must be resolved are:

  • Allowing children who live within walking distance of the school to attend their closest public high school;
  • Having a transition plan so that the cohort of students at Bourke St and Darlington Public Schools can attend the same high school (currently they will be split up into 3 different high school catchments);
  • Sibling rights to enable families with more than one child to enrol both kids at the same school;
  • The perception that the wealthy suburbs have been included and poorer suburbs have been deliberately excluded;
  • That the school will presumably use community facilities in Redfern (eg Redfern Oval and the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence) and it should service that local community; and
  • Congestion and traffic issues due to a large part of the proposed eastern catchment being a long way from the school.

You can download our letter to the Premier and Education Minister here, and see the comments from parents in full.

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