Greens rental plan counters rental crisis

With today’s release of the latest Rental Affordability Index, NSW Greens Housing spokesperson Jenny Leong MP, called for an urgent response from the government to the rental crisis.

“This latest report again confirms that we are experiencing an alarming crisis in housing which has to be addressed by the Liberal National NSW government. 

“The Greens are committed to a 3 step plan for renters rights - ending no grounds evictions, limiting rent increases in line with CPI and not allowing more than one increase per year.

“Since we announced our plan to protect renters rights in late 2014, we've seen Liberal and Labor shift their position and start paying attention to renters, but we need urgent action now to give people renting the right to live in safe, secure, affordable housing.

 “Rental properties should be first and foremost people's homes, not avenues for investors to make easy money off vulnerable people.

“Housing is a human right. 


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